Family Checklist – From your school nurse.

Family Checklist – From your school nurse.

For All Parents and Guardians

  1. Make sure immunizations are up-to-date.
  2. Review hygiene tips to prevent the spread of infections.
  3. Establish a bedtime and wake-up time to ensure adequate and consistent sleep.
  4. Develop a routine for homework and after school activities.
  5. Eat breakfast each day at home or at school.
  6. Help make appropriate clothing choices (for example, wear comfortable and safe shoes).
  7. Keep an open line of communication with your child to ensure that he/she remains safe at school. If a concern arises (such as bullying), contact the appropriate school officials immediately.
  8. Get involved! Sign up for the parent organization (PTA/PTO), school Wellness Committee, and mark events such as back-to-school night and parent/teacher meetings on your calendar.
  9. Ask about the school or district’s wellness policy (for example, how does the school address nutrition, activity, stress and mental health concerns).
  10. Advocate for your child to have a school nurse all day, every day by communicating this message to school administrators and decision-makers.

If Your Student Has a Health Concern

  1. Make your child’s health concern known to the school and school nurse.
  2. Introduce yourself and your child to the school nurse.
  3. Bring current signed healthcare provider orders for treatments and all medications to be given at school. Bring the medication in the original pharmacy container.
  4. Together with the school nurse and other appropriate school officials, and family develop an individualized healthcare plan (or other educational plans, as needed, e.g., 504, IEP).
  5. Give permission for the school nurse to communicate with your family’s healthcare provider.
  6. Provide parent/guardian contact information and update the school with any changes.
  7. Ask if non-nurses will be providing care (for example, verify who will administer medication) and how these authorized individuals will be supervised.
  8. Confirm the school’s disaster/emergency plan. Make sure your child’s medication and/or medical devices (epinephrine auto-injectors, asthma inhalers, insulin, etc.) will be readily available in an emergency.
  9. Let the school know how important it is to have a full-time registered school nurse in the building all day, every day.

More Pediatric Information

In these articles you will find more valuable information to help you keep your kids healthy. We know you need as much relevant information as possible to make informed decisions, let our knowledge and experience help you.

Back to School Checklist
Flu Information
Pediatric Medication Safety
Dosage Information